Apple of my Eyes

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

New Car

My daughter gets envious everytime she sees young girls driving their own cars. She’s always telling me when I am going to buy her one. I told her there are so many things to consider when buying a car. At her age now, having a new car is just for fun or simply show off and not a necessity.

Another reason is road accidents. My husband said that’s why there are insurance companies offering insurance policy in case of accidents. Whether personal insurance or third party insurance, both parties are secured. It just depends on what kind of insurance policy you are going to acquire.

Without telling my daughter I already talked to my husband about this matter and we are considering the idea of acquiring one for her. I am just looking for a car that will fit her personality. I also need to consider other matters like car insurance, car’s accessories and many more. Although I already checked some sites about auto insurance online and read about their requirements on car insurance. I learned that there are cars with expensive insurance because they are prone to theft. Anyway, some car insurance companies are giving tips and guides on what kind of car is least expensive to insure.

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