Apple of my Eyes

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is Rugby?

I was about to sleep yesterday for my afternoon nap when I heard some noise outside. We live in a condominium apartment where almost half of the occupants are Indians. Actually, I don’t understand what they were talking about because they spoke on their native language. I just overheard it was something about rugby podcast. Since I already lost my interest in sleeping, I just surf the net and check what rugby is all about. I found out that it is a kind of sports both for men and women.

Rugby tournaments are held and participants come from different countries like England, France, Wales, Ireland, Italy and Scotland. People are getting crazy about this sport. There are also rugby games available on line for you to play. Tickets for the 2009 Championship are given away as prizes. Once you play the game, submit your score and you will have the chance to win. With the kind of technology we have now, podcast about rugby games can now dowload from your computers.

Can’t blame my neighbors for their rugby addiction.

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